Our Daily Schedule
EARLY MORNING 7:30 - 8:30
Children arrive. Some children eat breakfast. Other children engage in self-directed play. After breakfast, infants are changed and put down to nap. Children help clean-up and move to block center or library.
Toddlers and preschool children select activities or engage in a group activity such as finger painting, water play, or cooking. As babies wake up, they are brought in to join the group.
9 am children gather for circle time.
9:30 - 10:30 Get ready to go outside: use the toilet, wash hands, change diapers. Snack at 10 am. Outdoor play varies; perhaps a science project, gardening, or obstacle course.
10:30 - 11:30 Children engage in self-directly play or a planned activity such as using play dough or a group lesson such as music class, or learning about insects
Children get ready for lunch: use the toilet, wash hands, change diapers. Clean up and story time
12:00 - Lunch served
1:00 - 3:00 All children rest on cots. Preschool children who can’t sleep rest quietly with a book. Children are allowed to get up and begin a quiet activity when they wake.
All children are awake from nap and snack is served.
3:30 - 4:30 Active indoor or outdoor play for all children. School-age children arrive and join the group. A special project may be planned. Personal clean-up follows to prepare for going home
LATE AFTERNOON 4:30 - 5:30
Children go home at staggered times. Projects are assembled, diapers are changed, and parent information is made ready. Child center play; toys, blocks, art, books, or blocks are available. Events of the day and plans for the next day are discussed with children and parents as they leave.