Our two to five-year-old program introduces children to a more structured learning environment which focuses on fostering self-confidence, independence, and appropriate peer interactions. Activities are varied, stimulating, and fun. Our goal is to plan age-appropriate activities that focus on a child’s developmental capabilities and interests.
Our curriculum is organized around monthly themes such as space study, dinosaurs, camping, and zoo animals. Children are grouped by age and maturity level to complement each child’s educational progress. A great deal of emphasis is placed on developing language through teacher interaction and modeling, reading stories, inviting dramatic play, and providing repetition games and singing.
Children are expected to form 2-3 word sentences with gradually increasing vocabulary, follow simple two-step commands, and have intelligible speech.
Cognitively children are introduced to naming body parts, understanding how objects are used, knowing their name, age, and gender, and recognizing the letters in their name. In addition, they are exposed to basic colors and shapes. The children are also involved in cooking projects, gardening, art projects, and nature studies.
Our two-year-olds learn to count to ten and recognize numbers up to 5. These skills are reinforced through matching, sorting, classifying and categorizing activities. The academic focus in the three-year-old program is two-fold; language and fine motor development. Language skills include articulation, syntax, appropriate grammar, letter recognition, and letter-sound correspondence.
Children learn primary, secondary and tertiary colors, and basic & complex shapes, Fine motor skills are developed with the use of scissors, stencils, lacing boards, tracing and duplicating letters. The academic objectives of the Pre-K program include the knowledge of personal information, recognition of upper and lower case letters, understanding of phonics, recognition of higher numerals and an understanding of numerical concepts.
In addition, there is a focus on early reading & writing skills. Our goal is to expose each child to a variety of learning experiences to facilitate a healthy self-concept.