
As babies become more physically mobile, their environment needs to accommodate their growing physical and cognitive abilities. Our toddler program provides age-appropriate, varied, and fun experiences and projects. Daily activities are planned so that children learn to function with more structure and direction, yet can still explore and play independently.
Our teachers closely track children’s daily routines of feeding, napping and diapering. Hilltop House teachers communicate with parents throughout the day. Parents are also kept informed through use of a daily log. A monthly electronic newsletter is used to provide parenting tips and to inform parents of upcoming events. Teachers use books, puppetry and flannel boards to stimulate language development. Toddlers are encouraged to use words to communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings in 2-3 word sentences. Vocabulary usually increases to 25-50 words within this year. We encourage families to read to their children nightly during their bedtime routine.
During the toddler year parent’s will notice the child’s growing ability to solve new tasks, show awareness of cause and effect, and indicate an understanding of the purpose of objects. Children are taught basic body parts, primary colors and to count to 5. Creativity, imagination and curiosity are encouraged through use of painting, using play dough, finger painting, and sand/water play. Our curriculum is organized around monthly themes such as insects, farm animals, zoo animals, and community helpers.
Children are introduced to art, music, puzzles, dramatic play, and circle time through teacher directed activities. Large motor development is encouraged while outside in a secure playground. Gradual independence and self-confidence are encouraged as children learn to communicate their needs successfully to adults either verbally or through the use of baby signing. Encouraging self-expression and cooperation are both important goals. We provide a loving and stimulating environment which encourages a child’s intellectual curiosity and self-esteem.